Barnabas Fonjie Nkeh - Online Memorial Website

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Barnabas Nkeh
Born in Cameroon
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“The old order changeth yielding place to new And God fulfills himself in many ways Lest one good custom should corrupt the world. Comfort thyself: what comfort is in me I have lived my life and that which I have done May he within himself make pure but thou If thou shouldst never see my face again Pray for my soul. More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” Alfred Tennyson

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Barnabas Fonjieh Nkeh who was born in Cameroon and passed away on February 14, 2017. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

 "All Encounters in this world are simply part of life. How you deal with them is what makes the difference. Use good sense, humility and love. Never fear love - it's a beautiful thing. If your approach to something or a relationship with someone turns sour, never cry or regret but smile over the pain. Crying and regret focus on the negatives. Strive to focus on the positives and look for ways to multiply them" - Barnabas F. Nkeh

 Patty Badobre:
In the valley - ee- ee 
In the twilight - ee - ee 
I just wanna have sweet memories of you!
I wish you were here to enjoy this little song
Now that you are There,
There is nothing left for you but an echo - ee - ee 
Ay - ee- ee! Ay - ee- ee! Ay - ee -ee!

Denis Nkeh:

You taught me humility and love. You said I should never cry or regret but smile over my pain. Your departure on this special day is a reflection of what you represent. We love you papa. You are my hero. You will always be remembered.

Gerlind Nkeh:

I'll sing through the Shade and the Sunshine!

Nicole-Chelsea  Badobre:

I didn't think I'd say this now but rest in Paradise Grandpa. You've passed away and I totally wasn't expecting it. I know you'll be watching me and the rest of your family from heaven. My heart is heavy but I'll try not to be sad. I'll celebrate the long wonderful life that you lived. 
I'll try to fight the tears and instead smile and be happy that you went to a better place. Your were a wonderful man and always made me laugh. I loved how small your eyes got when you smiled and how upset you'd get when I was too loud. We shared so many memories and I am so grateful for you. I wish I had called to see how you were doing in Cameroon for the past few months! I am so sorry. I love you so much and I'll strive to make you proud. Everything I succeed in, will be for you! I will bring honor to your name - long Live the Chief! 

  Sonia-Iva Atabong

Papa, I'll always miss you. I'm not going to be emotional, because I'd like to remember you for all the fun times we had. You were one of my most impactful teachers. I can almost gear your audible voice sometimes telling me not to nag, to wait my turn, not to be a spendthrift, or even to 'leff things', as you often said. Thanks for being my grandpa. Life would have been a lot harder without you as a teacher, a father, a confidant, an entertainer, a friend, a mediator. I'll always remember you, and teach my children about what a beautiful man you are. Forever alive through us. I love you.


 Moyo moyo! Still in a state of doubt. Still don't completely believe you are gone. Your character was an inspiration and you brought joy, peace and fun everywhere you went. I thank God for every second spent with you and would have loved to spend just a second more with you reciting a poem.. "ieeuyuuu" love you!

 Catherine Nkeh

 I can light a thousand candles and adorn your path with the most expensive Ankara but only the love we shared will ease the pain.


Latest Memories
Theresia Nki Cousin March 7, 2017
Pa Banar,

Everything came back fresh in my mind when i was told the last name you mentioned on your dying bed was the name of your uncle late Pa Francis Nki. Such an overwhelming co- incidence. The love you both shared was so strong. He braught you up to be a gentle and loving soul. You two ended up having alot in common. you two shared thesame surname, you two lived life to the fullest and graciously reached old age.
I don't know if i should be sad or happy but all i am certain is that you and Papa are resting in a better place.

Adieu Pa Pele
Lu Forbin Things Not forgotten February 25, 2017
If persistence could be a noun, that would be your name Pa Nkeh. Born Barnabas but fondly called Pa Nkeh by many. Like yesterday, I remembered Catholic School Kosala. Like Yesterday, I remember the grim facial expression when we cannot remember the answer or solve a math problem right and how quickly that grim expression turns into the broadest beautiful smile displaying impeccable dental formula. Like yesterday, I remember, how I am no longer an elementary student but a matured youth, that went with you to places. Like yesterday, I remember how you shared the story of your youth with us. How difficult life was when you were young, how you took advantage of every opportunty that came your way. Like yesterday, I remember, how you showed appreciation for every thing and how happy you were for the many blessings over the years. Yes. The many blessings over the years. Like yesterday, I remember you breaking barriers abd building bridges... So many yesterdays, I remember....

Today however, I see you standing taller than your full height, though vertically challenged ; that is not evident when your vocal cords utter words of wisdom, caution, feverishly making a point, believing that yes you know what you mean and mean what you know. Today however, I see you expressing your joy, gratitude and showing appreciation for the wonders of technology. Your amazement is evident, facially displayed: squinted eyebrows, forehead contoured, focused and then an explosion of joy in Nweh language. Today, you observe, growing more silent, a little forgetful in short term memory, quickly grabbing and uttering the words before it escapes you. Self satisfaction at remembering what it was.
Today, I see the love more clearly than before. It was always there: in hugs, kisses, smile, laughter, humor, terms of endeament, handshake and farewell. Farewell, Farewell !!! November 2016, you, me and our farewell. Little did I know;  I would have spent a little bit more time with you. A little bit more time to extend our farewell, you me and our farewell. yes you fooled me.

Tomorrow, we shall meet. Surely, where all good souls reside. I will have my hands extended waiting for yours to guide me to me where all good souls reside. I will have handy some stories for us to sit and reminisce. The story of things not forgotten. I love you Pa Nkeh. Baptized Barnabas. In peace you repose. In our hearts you live on.
Adieu Papa.
Mami Lu.

Nicoline Idem nee Fonjie A little eulogy for my Uncle February 22, 2017
Big Mami as you fondly call me, the little songs and teachings will be fondly remembered, sleep well with the Angels till we meet to part no more.Your legaAcies will be always be remembered. ADIEU Uncle. 
Gerlind Nkeh Daughter/Granddaughter February 21, 2017
All those lovely sweets you called me to the side, away from everyone and made me eat them in your room before going out....hihihihi. How i miss you, but i know you are doing your favourite  thing of all, singing, which i enjoyed very much. Love you my Papa!! 
Patty Badobre Daughter February 20, 2017
In the valley - ee- ee 
In the twilight - ee - ee 
I just wanna have sweet memories of you!
Iwish you were here to enjoy this little song
Now that you are There,
There is nothing left for you but an echo - ee - ee 
Ay - ee- ee! Ay - ee- ee! Ay - ee -ee!

Latest Condolences
Arrey Irenee Mrs March 7, 2017
Mrs Pat Badobre & family. So sorry for your loss dear. May Papa's soul RIP. Love always
Atemnkeng Aminmentse My deepest condolences March 6, 2017
Mama Juliet and family,

My condolences to you and the family. Papa lived a life of purpose, he touched many lives and completed his purpos. Take heart for papa is in a better place paving the way for you all. Rest well papa!!!
christina ngeme papa March 4, 2017
tu pars laissant plusieurs enfants car tu nous avais toujours consideré comme tes enfants lorsque tu etais à kumba yaoundé ou aux ETATS UNIS tu ne sessais de demander comment va martin ou comment va christy que tu appelais MY WIFE
Depuis mon enfance je te connais  comme celui la qui propageait toujours la joie la
paix tu saluait tout le monde a ton passage que ce soit enfant jeune ou adult
c'est avec les larmes que je parle de toi aujourd'hui par ce que je n'arrive pas a me retenir je m'excuse par ce que tu ne voudrais pas nous voir pleurer Vas papa L'HOMME DE PAIX car nous savons que la vie est un voyage dont le retour c'est la mort Nous t'aimons mais Dieu t'aime plus QUE LA TERRE DE NOS ANCETRES TE
A toi PAT soit forte
CHISTY ton amie ta soeur
C. Borurguet My deepest condolence March 2, 2017
My condolences, as feelings of pain and bitterness become unbearable. It is my desire to convey a comforting thought based on the Holy Scriptures
  John 5:28 "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out."
This passage speaks of the resurrection of our loved ones. It is not God's plan to see us suffer and die, so He extends the following invitation to us: "Come near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8)
Please go to the following link to obtain more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage and again we are sorry for your loss.
pa NGOLE pa March 1, 2017
Ashia my boy. Pa deserves the rest. Take heart
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